
Author: Jay

Eviction Process in Iowa – A Look at Both Sides

Prepare to learn insights and the eviction process from both sides of the law.  We will approch this from the eyes of the tenant, then the landlord. We breakdown in detail, the eviction process in Iowa, plus learn a Huge Secret to avoiding it all.

Tenants Facing Eviction

There are many people who don’t know what to do when their landlord threatens to evict them. Landlord-tenant law protects tenants’ rights, as well as landlords’.  Like otcan be complicated, like other legal topics. However, most of the basic rules and steps are pretty straightforward. This article examines Iowa eviction law.

Self-help evictions = BAD

evictio process in iowa, learn how to evict non paying renters.  Learn more:  https://www.fastfairhomeoffers.com/eviction-process-in-iowaThe court procedure to remove a tenant from their rental is called a “forcible entry and detainer,” but it’s more commonly known as an eviction. The landlord must take a series of very specific steps before this can happen. They have to provide sufficient proof that the space belongs to them. During the court hearing, the landlord and tenant both get to provide their perspective on the issue. The the judge evaluates both. If the right notice isn’t supplied, then they risk having the case dismissed. This may allow the tenants to stay because of this mistake. If the Landlord wins, then a sheriff’s deputy or someone hired by them will remove tenant’s possessions. Courtesy notices that tell tenants when they are coming may be provided by some sheriffs, but not all.

Eviction Process in Iowa:  Grounds to evict

The majority of evictions are based on one of three “grounds” (allegations).

Ground for Eviction, there are 3 common grounds for a landlord to evict.  1. the tenant broke or violated the lease.  2.  The tenant or a guest has caused a situation of clear and present danger. 3.  The lease has expired and the renter has not moved out or is "holding over".  Landlords must provide notice before filing eviction casesBefore filing an eviction case, landlords must nearly always give a tenant written notice. <yoastmark class=

Landlords must provide notice before filing eviction cases

Before filing an eviction case, landlords must nearly always give a tenant written notice. The court may throw out the case at the hearing if a landlord files an eviction without giving adequate notice to the tenant. If that happens, the landlord may give a different notice, and try again.

Each case requires a different notice depending on the reasons for the eviction. There are six common types of notices:

  • Nonpayment of rent requires a 3-day notice
  • “Clear and present danger” notice of three days
  • Violations of the lease must be cured within 7 days
  • No right to cure 7-day notice of lease termination
  • Termination notice of 30 days
  • Three-day notice of resignation
  • Rent Nonpayment Notice of 3 Days

Landlords can give written notice to tenants if they fail to pay rent. The notice must say that the lease will end if rent is not paid within 3 days, so that the tenant has a “right to cure” or fix the lease violation. The landlord cannot evict the tenant if the tenant pays rent on time within 3 days. The landlord must give a new notice of nonpayment each time rent is not paid. The court may dismiss the landlord’s case if the landlord does not give the right notice.

Danger of Clear and Present Danger 3-Day Notice

A “clear and present danger” is anything that puts other tenants, the landlord, or its employees at risk. The danger must be on or within 1,000 feet of the landlord’s property.

  1. The act of physically assaulting or threatening another person
  2. Possessing or using firearms illegally
  3. Possession of illegal drugs

A landlord can end the lease with a 3-day notice if he believes the tenant has done this or something similar. After that, the landlord can file an eviction case.

Tenants may be able to keep the person who caused the problem away from the rental property if the problem was not caused by them. There are specific rules to follow to use this “cure” option.

Get a protection order against domestic abuse

Report the person to law enforcement for prosecution, or

Send a letter to the person telling them to stay away or the tenant will report them for trespassing. Make sure the tenant gives a copy of the trespass letter to the police.

Prior to the landlord starting the eviction lawsuit, the tenant must show proof that one of these three things have been done.

In the event of an emergency, a landlord cannot remove a tenant or threaten some harm.

Notice of 7-Day Cure for Other Lease Violations

If a landlord believes a tenant has violated the terms of their lease, they typically must provide them with a 7-day notice detailing the issue. An example of this would be if there is a rule in the lease prohibiting pets and the landlord thinks that the tenants have a dog. The landlord must inform them in writing that, unless they remove said pet within seven days, their tenancy can be ended through an eviction case (following the serving of a 3-day ‘notice to quit’).

A 7-Day Notice of Lease Termination after a 7-Day Cure Notice has been given

In the case of a tenant violating their lease, such as having a pet when the agreement states otherwise, they will be given a 7-day cure notice. After the tenant complies with this and eliminates the violation, the lease remains intact. However, if they commit the same violation within 6 months after, the landlord can issue a 7-day termination notice as there are no more chances to fix it. If it occurs more than 6 months later, another cure notice must be issued.

30-Day Notice of Lease Termination

Many tenants sign a lease for a set amount of time, such as one year. Others have what is known as a “month-to-month” tenancy. This type of arrangement has no definite end date, and either the landlord or the tenant has the option to terminate it without citing any reason.

What if the Tenant is breaking the law?

However, if the termination is due to an unlawful cause, such as the tenant’s race or that of their visitors, this cannot be given as justification. It is necessary for both parties to provide written notice at least 30 days prior to when rent is next due in order to end a month-to-month agreement; thus, if rent is due on the first day of each month, termination can only take place then. Therefore, should a landlord give notice on September 10 with October 10 being the end date of the tenancy – this would not be possible and the applicable ending date would become November 1.

3-Day Notice to Pay or Quit

In order to get a tenant to leave, the landlord needs to end the tenancy. The landlord will most likely use one of the notices discussed in this article. In some cases, the landlord has to give another notice after the tenancy has ended. In this notice, the tenant is instructed to leave (“quit”) within 3 days rather than ending the tenancy. This notice must be given in the following situations:

After a 7-day notice to cure other lease violations, if the tenant does not remedy the problem

In the event that the problem recurs within 6 months of the prior 7-day notice to cure, the lease will be terminated after a 7-day notice to cure

Following a 30-day notice of termination

When the three days have passed, the landlord cannot file an eviction lawsuit. If the landlord files before the three days have passed, the court should dismiss the case.

Tenant Notices

The landlord must provide a tenant with three days’ notice of nonpayment of rent, three days’ notice of clear and present danger, seven days to cure lease violations, seven days’ notice to terminate the lease with no right of cure, thirty days’ notice to terminate the lease, and three days’ notice to quit in the following ways:

Process servers provide personal service per local eviction laws;

If the tenant signs an acknowledgment of service, the landlord will hand deliver;

If the tenant signs a dated receipt, certified mail can be used;

Posting the notice on the tenant’s main entrance and sending it via certified mail and regular mail.

According to the law, it takes four days for the landlord to receive a notice of nonpayment of rent when it is sent by mail. As a result, the tenant has seven days to pay the rent if the landlord mails and posts the notice. The law assumes, for example, that a notice is mailed on a Monday, but that it doesn’t reach the tenant until Friday. The tenant has until the end of the day on Monday to pay the rent if it was mailed on a Monday.

Procedural Steps in Eviction Cases

Tenants must be made aware of any eviction hearing minimum 3 days before it occurs. If the tenant is not notified three complete days before the hearing, the court should delay it. Generally, notification of the eviction case should be done through either ‘personal service’ by a process server or handed to them by the landlord in an acknowledgement of service.  A minimum two attempts should be made using one of these two methods. When these efforts fail to yield results, then notice can be posted on the tenant’s main entrance along with sending it via both normal and certified mail.

The Eviction Hearing

You should attend the court hearing, even if you have a good defense. If you don’t, you could be evicted.

The court hearing provides an opportunity for both the landlord and tenant to voice their side of the story. It is not a given that the landlord will win simply because they served correct notice; if they are claiming rent wasn’t paid, the tenant can attempt to prove otherwise.

What about evidence to evict?

Additionally, where allegations of loud parties are concerned, the landlord must demonstrate that these were indeed disruptive to fellow tenants and persisted after receiving a 7 day warning. Relevant evidence can be adduced by either side and witnesses called upon to testify. Evictions cases tend to take place in small claims court and it’s common for both plaintiff and defendant to deal with them without legal representation.

The best way to defend against an eviction depends on the facts of your case. It is always better to hire a lawyer to help defend your case.

If a landlord wins the eviction case, the tenant can be instructed to vacate promptly. Generally there’s a small window of time for them to move out, which varies based off what the judge orders as well as how backed up the sheriff is. The sheriff will be responsible for supervising the tenant’s departure and their belongings. Should they choose to ignore it, their possessions will likely end up outdoors on the sidewalk. Some sheriffs may offer a friendliness gesture by giving tenants advanced warning that they’ll be removing their items. Although this is not compulsory, it’s generally done as a courtesy.

What Happens if the Tenant Wins?

After giving the right notice(s), landlords may file a new eviction case, which starts the process over. The landlord may be allowed to evict the tenant next time, but their claims may be dismissed a second time. It all depends on the circumstances.

Eviction Process in Iowa – a Landlord’s Guide

The Eviction Process in Iowa: Step by Step

Not sure where to start?   Check this free MindMap to find out:   Iowa Eviction FlowChart

iowa eviction process flowchart.  Are you an Iowa landlord looking to evict a tenant, use this free flowchart to know exactly what to do.  Plus, learn my Secret strategy to remove even the most stubborn, uncooperative, non-paying renters.   Jay Buys Houses.  https://www.fastfairhomeoffers.com

If you’re not a FlowChart kind of person, you can read the details below.

You serve the tenant with Notice. (several different types depending upon the situation)

You file complaint with the County Court in which the property is situated (if unresolved). You must serve Court summons & complaint.

The County Court schedules a hearing.

You must attend hearing so the Court can issue judgment against tenant.

Then, a Writ of possession is issued.

The landlord takes possession of the property.

In Iowa, evictions can take between 15 days and up to 60 (if tenant has valid challenge or if a tenant appeals, the process could take longer than 2-3 weeks.)

Click to talk with an Iowa eviction attorney.

Here are the Grounds for an Eviction in Iowa

Legal grounds to evict in Iowa include not paying rent on time, staying after lease expiration, violating lease terms, and committing illegal activity. However, landlords must give proper notice before ending a tenancy.

Nonpayment of Rent 3 Days Yes End of Lease / No Lease 30 Days No Lease Violation  7 Days Yes Repeat Lease Violation 7 Days No Illegal Activity 3 Days No Eviction for Nonpayment of Rent

A landlord can evict a tenant for not paying rent on time in Iowa by giving the tenant a three-day notice to quit, which gives the tenant the option of paying the balance due or moving out.

The landlord can file an eviction lawsuit if the tenant does not move out by the end of the notice period.

Violation of Lease or Responsibilities: Eviction

Under Iowa landlord-tenant law, a landlord may evict a tenant who violates the terms of their lease or does not uphold their legal responsibilities. The landlord must first give the tenant seven days’ notice to comply or leave, giving the tenant a chance to fix the problem or vacate.

The following are examples of lease violations:

A failure to maintain a clean and sanitary rental unit. Refusing to let the landlord into the rental unit. Using fixtures or appliances in a way that is unreasonable or unsafe. Causing minor property damage. Disturbing the peace and enjoyment of others. Landlords may file an eviction lawsuit if the tenant does not fix the issue or leave by the end of the notice period.

The landlord can serve a 7-day notice to vacate if the tenant repeats the same or a similar lease violation within six months.

Repeated lease violations result in eviction

If a tenant repeats the same or a similar lease violation within a 6-month period, the landlord can evict them by giving them a 7-day notice.

During the 7-day period, the tenant has no chance to fix the problem.

A landlord can file an eviction lawsuit if the tenant fails to move out by the end of the notice period.

Illegal Evictions – The Self-Help Eviction (don’t do it)

The use of a firearm or other deadly weapon. Possession of controlled substances. A clear and present danger to the health or safety of others. An eviction lawsuit can be filed by the landlord if the tenant does not move out by the end of the notice period.

Any of the following is illegal in Iowa. If found liable, the landlord could be forced to pay the tenant’s damages and reasonable attorney’s fees.  Just don’t do it.

Evictions in retaliation

  • A landlord cannot evict a tenant for exercising a legally protected right. These rights include:
  • Making a complaint to the landlord or a governmental agency about building or housing code violations that affect the tenant’s health and safety. Forming a tenant’s union or similar organization.

Tenant is served with a notice by the landlord

Iowa landlords can begin the eviction process by delivering a written notice to the tenant. The notice can be delivered as follows:

Providing the notice of eviction to the tenant in person as well as sending it by regular and certified mail with a return receipt fulfills the necessary requirements. Additionally, the notice should be posted on a conspicuous place, such as the entry door. It is important for landlords to retain the original signed notice and declaration of service, as they can be used as proof in court if needed.

3-Day Notice to Quit

If a tenant is late paying rent (full or partial), the landlord can serve a 3-Day Notice to Quit. This eviction notice gives the tenant three calendar days to pay the balance due.

30-Day Notice to Vacate

A landlord can terminate the tenancy of a tenant with no lease or a month-to-month lease in Iowa by serving them with a 30-Day Notice to Vacate. The tenant has 30 calendar days to move out.

The amount of notice varies, however, for tenants who do not pay monthly:

Frequency of rent payment Notice Amount Week-to-Week 10 Days Month-to-Month 30 Days Quarter-to-Quarter 30 Days Year-to-Year 30 Days 7-Day Notice to Comply or Vacate

The landlord in Iowa can evict a tenant if they violate their lease or do not comply with their legal obligations by serving them a 7-Day Notice to Comply or Vacate.

In the event that the tenant repeats the same or a similar lease violation within a 6-month period, the landlord has the right to terminate the tenancy by serving a 7-day notice to vacate.

7-Day Notice to Vacate

If a tenant repeats a lease violation within six months, the landlord can serve a 7-Day Notice to Vacate, giving them seven calendar days to vacate.

3-Day Notice of Lease Termination

The landlord may serve a 3-Day Notice of Termination to a tenant who commits illegal activity or demonstrates a clear and present danger to other tenants. This eviction notice gives the tenant three calendar days to vacate.

Click here to speak with an Iowa eviction lawyer

The second step is to file a lawsuit with the court.

An Iowa landlord must file a complaint with the appropriate court in order to proceed with the eviction process. There are some counties in Iowa that provide information on how evictions work specifically in that county. In Iowa, this costs around $95 in filing fees.

A summons and complaint are served on the tenant by the court.

Fill them out for FREE here.

An individual must serve the summons and complaint on the tenant

Those who are not part of the eviction for at least three days

The following methods can be used prior to the eviction hearing:

The summons and complaint should be posted in a conspicuous place on the rental unit and mailed via first class and certified mail three days before the hearing.

A hearing is held and a judgment is issued by the court

Eight days must pass before the eviction hearing

Unless the landlord requests a later hearing date, the hearing date shall not exceed 15 days after the complaint is filed with the court.

The tenant does not have to file a written response to the eviction complaint in order to attend the hearing; however, if the tenant fails to show up, the judge will issue a default judgment in favor of the landlord.

The eviction process will proceed if the judge rules in favor of the landlord, either by default judgment or at an eviction hearing.

The eviction process will continue unless tenants appeal within 20 days of the date the judgment is issued.

An eviction hearing must be held within 8-15 days of the complaint being filed.

The Writ of Execution is issued in Step 5

Before law enforcement officials return to the property to remove the tenant forcibly, the writ of execution is the tenant’s final notice to leave the rental unit.

At the hearing, if the landlord wins, a writ of execution will be issued, stating that the tenant must vacate the premises within three days

The tenant has three days from the date the judgment was issued in favor of the landlord to move out.

Timeline for the Iowa eviction process

Evictions in Iowa can take between 1 day (Cash for Keys (HUGE secret) and  up to 60 days (if Tenant has valid challenge in court).  Lots of variables twix the two.

In uncontested eviction cases, the following parts of the Iowa eviction process are outside the landlord’s control.

Approximate Time Initial Notice Period 3-30 Calendar Days Court Issuing Summons 3 Business Days Court Serving Summons 3 Business Days Tenant Response Period Not Required Court Ruling 8-15 Business Days Court Serving Writ of Possession Immediately Final Notice Period 3 Days Questions? Click here to chat with an Iowa eviction attorney Flowchart of Iowa Eviction Process

Fees for evictions in Iowa

Depending on the amount of the eviction claim, the total cost of an eviction in Iowa varies greatly. The average cost of an eviction in a Small Claims District Court case (for claims under $6,500) is $155. The average cost of a district court case (for claims over $6,500) is $255.

Fees in the Small Claims District Initial Court Filing $95+ $195 + Petition Service $30+ $30+ Writ of Execution Service $30 $30 Notice of Appeal (Optional) $195 $150 Document Copies (Optional) $0.50/ea $0.50/ea Read more

Additional information about the eviction process in Iowa can be found in Iowa Code 526A, 648, and the Iowa Rules of Civil Procedure, Rules 1.302 and 1.305.

You have options…

Overwhelmed?  Would you prefer to SELL the house?

I make AS-IS offers where I handle the renter situation.  Kindly start a chat on my homepage and let’s see if we have a basis to go forward.  Fair?

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That Late Mortgage Payment, May Not Be Late at All.

Are you feeling the stress of a late mortgage payment?  Don’t panic.  Take a deep breath and read on.

It turns out that what may seem like a late payment might not actually be considered late by your lender. In fact, there are several factors at play that could affect when your payment is due and how it’s processed. So, don’t jump to conclusions just yet – let’s explore this topic further and put your mind at ease.

What to Know: Late Payment Laws

It is important to understand your rights when it comes to mortgage payments. The law provides protections for homeowners who are struggling to make their payments on time. These laws are designed to help you keep your home and avoid foreclosure.

Under the law, your lender must give you written notice at least 45 days before they can start the foreclosure process. This notice is called a “Right to Cure”.  It must explain your right to cure the default by making up all of the past-due payments, plus any late fees and other charges. You will also have to pay any ongoing monthly payments that come due during the 45-day period.

If you are able to cure the default and make all of your payments on time, then your lender cannot begin foreclosure. However, if you still cannot make your payments after the 45-day period, then your lender may start the foreclosure process.

It is important to note that these laws vary from state to state. Be sure to check with an attorney or housing counselor in your area to find out what protections are available to you.

How Mortgage Payments are Affected by Late Payment Laws

When you make a late payment on your mortgage, your lender cannot report the late payment to the credit bureaus until the 31st day of the month the payment was due.  So, if your normal payment is due on the 10th of June, it’s not legally a “late mortgage payment” until July 1st.  This is when the credit bureau(s) may report you late.   This can negatively impact your credit score and make it more difficult to get approved for loans in the future. In some cases, late payments may also result in additional fees being added to your mortgage balance.

Federal law requires that lenders give borrowers a grace period of at least 10 days before reporting a late payment to the credit bureaus. This means that if you make a payment within 10 days of the due date, your lender cannot report the late payment to the credit bureaus.

However, if you do not make a payment within the grace period, your lender may report the late payment to the credit bureau. The length of time that a late payment stays on your credit report depends on the severity of the late payment. Generally, more recent late payments have a greater impact on your credit score than older ones.

If you are experiencing financial trouble, you have options.  If your mortgage payments are too high, there are options available to help you avoid falling behind. You can contact your lender to discuss different repayment options.  Ask about a Forbearance or Loan Modification, often available through government programs like HAMP or HARP.

PRO TIP:  Never call your lender and speak to “Customer Service”, ask for “Loss Mitigation” (scary Dept. name, very helpful people.)

What Happens if You Are Late on a Mortgage Payment?

If you are even one day late on your mortgage payment, your lender may begin charging you a late fee. The late fee is typically a percentage of your monthly mortgage payment, and can add up quickly. If you continue to miss payments, your lender may eventually begin the foreclosure process.

If you are facing financial difficulties and think you may be unable to make your mortgage payment, reach out to your lender as soon as possible. Many lenders are willing to work with borrowers who are having trouble making their payments. You may be able to negotiate a new payment plan or temporarily suspend your payments until you are back on your feet.

What Makes a Mortgage Payment “Late”?

Many homeowners are unaware that their mortgage payment is not considered “late” in the eyes of your credit, until day 31 or the 1st of next month (if current month has 30 days). You will, however, pay a Late Mortgage Payment fee if paid after the due date. A late payment can result in a late fee being assessed, and may also be reported to the credit bureaus, which can negatively impact your credit score.

If you have any questions about when your mortgage payment is due, or if you are unsure of how to make a payment, be sure to contact your mortgage company or servicers for assistance.

How to Avoid Being Late on Your Mortgage Payments

If you’re like most people, you probably dread the thought of being late on your mortgage payments. Fortunately, there are some simple steps you can take to avoid being tardy with your payments.

1. Set up a budget and stick to it. This will help you keep track of your expenses and ensure that you have enough money to make your mortgage payment on time each month.

2. Make your mortgage payment a priority. Once you’ve determined how much you can afford to pay each month, be sure to pay your mortgage first before using that money for other expenses.

3. Automate your payments. Many lenders offer the option to set up automatic monthly payments from your checking or savings account. This can help take the guesswork out of making sure your mortgage payment is made on time each month.

4. Call your lender.  Ask for a 1-month “Forbearance” of the missed payment.  If you know you’re going to have trouble making payments, reach out to your lender as soon as possible and let them know. They may be able to work with you to create a plan that allows you to catch up on missed payments without damaging your credit score too badly.

Alternatives for Dealing With Late Mortgage Payments

If your mortgage payment is late, don’t panic. There may be alternatives for dealing with the situation.

Your lender may be willing to work with you if you’re having trouble making your payments. They may be able to offer a forbearance or repayment plan.

If you’re not able to work with your lender, there are other options available.

You could:

  1.  Try selling your home.  (I have 9 Ways to Sell a House Fast, Even in Ugly Situations.)
  2.  Get a short-term loan from family or friends.
  3.  Borrow or get an advance from your employer.
  4.  Borrow from your pension or 401(k), or as a last resort…
  5. File for bankruptcy.

Whatever option you choose, make sure you understand the consequences before taking action. A late mortgage payment can have serious repercussions, so it’s important to make sure you’re doing what’s best for your financial situation.


A late mortgage payment need not be a cause for worry. With proper understanding of the grace period and other details in your mortgage agreement, you can make sure that you don’t end up paying penalties or extra fees due to mistakes on your part. Make sure to stay informed on the rules regarding payments and always double check with your lender if there are any questions you have about making timely payments. That way, you can keep your financial obligations in order while avoiding additional costs related to late payments.

If All Else Fails…

If payments can’t be made on-time and you feel selling is the best option, I’ll make an offer on your house.  I buy houses of all types from all types.  I have the capability to buy houses in all 50 states, so if you would like some advice on your current situation, let’s chat.  Start a chat on the homepage.  I Buy Houses

Deed in Lieu of foreclosure?

Are you struggling to keep up with your mortgage payments and fear foreclosure is looming? Have you heard of a deed in lieu of foreclosure but have no idea what it entails? If so, don’t fret! In this blog post, we’ll delve into the ins and outs of deeds in lieu of foreclosure. You’ll learn how they work, their pros and cons, what to consider before signing one.  Learn why negotiating on your own is never advisable, and what to do when a deed in lieu is your last resort. Keep reading for all the information you need to make an informed decision about this potentially life-changing move.

What is a deed in lieu of foreclosure?

A deed in lieu of foreclosure is a legal agreement between a homeowner and their mortgage lender. It’s an option usually available to homeowners who are either facing or involved in a foreclosure.  Essentially, it involves giving up ownership of your home by signing over the property’s title to your lender. In exchange, your lender forgives any outstanding debt you owe on the property, allowing you to walk away.

This type of arrangement can be beneficial for both parties involved. For lenders, accepting a deed in lieu can save them time and money compared with going through the lengthy process of foreclosing on a property. Meanwhile, homeowners benefit by avoiding some or all of the negative consequences associated with foreclosure proceedings.

It’s important to note that not all homeowners will qualify for this option. Your lender may require that you have tried other options first, such as loan modification or short sale. Additionally, there may be tax implications associated with this type of transaction that should be considered before making any decisions about how to proceed.  Every deed-in-lieu I’ve ever negotiated, got approved.  More later…

If you’re considering walking away from your mortgage or simply giving up ownership of your home back to the bank, read on.  It could be worth your while exploring whether a deed in lieu is right for you.

How does a deed in lieu of foreclosure work?

A deed in lieu of foreclosure is a legal agreement between a borrower and their lender to give up ownership of the property, essentially giving the house back to the bank, in exchange for being released from mortgage debt. But how does it work?

Firstly, the borrower must be experiencing financial hardship and have attempted other options such as loan modifications or selling the property. The borrower then contacts their lender to express interest in a deed in lieu agreement.

The lender may require an appraisal of the property to determine its value before agreeing on terms with the borrower. If both parties come to an agreement, they will sign documents transferring ownership of the property back to the lender with an agreed upon vacancy date.

Once all paperwork has been signed and submitted, any outstanding mortgage debt is forgiven by the lender. However, it’s important to note that there may still be tax implications for borrowers who go through this process.  PRO TIP:  All the DIL’s I’ve handled, the loan or any deficiency from an eventual sale, has never resulted in the homeowner owing money.

It’s also worth mentioning that lenders are not required to accept a deed in lieu and may still pursue foreclosure if they believe it would result in better financial outcomes for them. Before considering this option, borrowers should weigh all pros and cons carefully with guidance from a professional advisor or attorney.

Pros and cons of a deed in lieu of foreclosure

Deed in lieu of foreclosure is a feasible option for homeowners who are struggling to make mortgage payments. It offers several advantages but also has some downsides.

One significant advantage of a deed in lieu of foreclosure is that it allows the homeowner to give back the property to the bank without going through an expensive and stressful legal process. Another benefit is that unlike with a foreclosure, there will be no deficiency judgment against you which means you won’t have any outstanding mortgage debt left over after turning over your home.

The primary disadvantage of this option is that it can negatively impact your credit score as much as foreclosure can, affecting future borrowing opportunities such as obtaining loans or credit cards. Additionally, if you have other liens on your property or if there are more than one mortgages against your house, then deed in lieu may not be possible.

What’s important when considering this option?
Before signing any agreement related to a deed in lieu of foreclosure, make sure you understand all terms and conditions because once signed; it can be difficult or impossible to modify them later on. Also remember that every situation varies so what works for someone else might not work for you.
It’s best to consult with a reputable attorney specializing in real estate law before making any decisions about giving up ownership rights via deed-in-lieu – never negotiate on your own!

What to consider before signing a deed in lieu of foreclosure

Before signing a deed in lieu of foreclosure, it is important to consider several factors. One of the most important things to keep in mind is that this option should only be considered as a last resort after all other options have been exhausted.  See my article on what to do the same day you get a foreclosure notice on your door.

It’s also crucial to understand how a deed in lieu of foreclosure works and what it entails. Essentially, you are voluntarily giving up ownership of your home and handing over the property title to the lender. In exchange, they agree not to pursue any further legal action against you for any remaining mortgage debt.

Another factor to consider before signing a deed in lieu of foreclosure is the potential impact on your credit score. While this option may seem like an easy way out, it can still negatively affect your credit score and make it difficult for you to obtain loans or credit in the future.

Additionally, if there are multiple liens or mortgages on your property, you’ll need permission from each lienholder before proceeding with a deed in lieu of foreclosure.

It’s also important to carefully review all documents related to this process and seek professional advice from an attorney or real estate expert before making any decisions. Never sign anything without fully understanding its implications and consequences.

Never negotiate a deed in lieu of foreclosure on your own

Negotiating a deed in lieu of foreclosure can be overwhelming and stressful. Many homeowners may feel that they are capable of handling the negotiations on their own, but it is important to never negotiate a deed in lieu of foreclosure on your own.  Every deed in lieu I have ever negotiated on behalf of a homeowner in distress, has been approved.

The process can be complex and confusing, involving legal documents and financial considerations. It is crucial to have an experienced professional who understands the nuances involved in these types of transactions.

As a property investor for over 22 years, I’ve seen a lot of these.  Part of what I do, and I’m very helpful in this area, is to negotiate a DIL on your behalf and I get the bank to pay you a minimum of $1,500, possibly twice that.  I can do that with two simple forms, then I get to work.  You won’t sign anything until you know exactly what you are getting.

Getting the most out of a DIL takes precise steps.  Steps that if missed or completed wrong, result in zero money or worse, foreclosure.  I’m offering to assist you, at zero cost out of your pocket.

Remember that negotiating with lenders requires skillful communication and negotiation tactics that only professionals possess – why risk losing out on this opportunity? Always seek guidance from someone who has experience dealing with mortgage companies when considering a deed in lieu as an option for avoiding foreclosure.  Knowledge is power and I’ve seen people cry with what I’ve been able to get them.

Deed in Lieu as your last resort

A deed in lieu of foreclosure can be a viable option for homeowners facing foreclosure.  This option, if available, should always be considered as a last resort.  Before considering this option, it’s important to exhaust all other options first.

Remember that signing over the deed to your property does not relieve you of the mortgage. You are free to negotiate a DIL on your own, but you may owe a deficiency after the house sells.

If you do decide to pursue a DIL, review all documents or reach me for free guidance and advice.  It’s important never to negotiate this option on your own.  Get some help, reach me here or call a HUD Housing Counselor.

In summary, while a deed in lieu of foreclosure can provide relief for some homeowners facing losing their home.  A DIL is not without risks and should only be considered after exploring all available options.  Let’s have a discussion and I’ll know within a few hours what I can get you.

God Bless You during your challenging time, I’ve been there.

Email me to chat:  Jay (at) fastfairhomeoffers.com

Foreclosure Notice on Door

Have you ever come home to find a foreclosure notice on your door?

You’re not alone.  It can be a nightmare scenario that happens to the best of us, regardless of the financial situation. Foreclosure is the legal process by which a lender goes through a process to reclaim ownership and sell the property they hold the note & mortgage against.  This starts at just around the 4 late mortgage payments point in time.  More on that here:  How many months behind before foreclosure

While it’s not something anyone wants to experience, it’s important to know how to read and handle a foreclosure notice if one shows up at your doorstep. In this article, we’ll explore everything you need to know about foreclosure notices, from understanding what they are and how long the process takes, all the way through ways you can avoid going through this difficult situation altogether.

What is a foreclosure notice and who put it on my door?

A foreclosure notice is a legal document that notifies you as the homeowner that your lender intends to seize and sell your property due to missed mortgage payments.  Your lender, usually after 4 late payments, start the legal process by serving you the foreclosure papers.  The notice was likely posted on your door because the process server will attempt to reach you face to face 3 times before they can tape it to your front door or front window.  The purpose of this notice is to inform you of the default on your loan, which gives you a chance to take corrective action before it’s too late.

Foreclosure notices typically include important information such as the amount owed on your mortgage, the deadline for payment (Right to Cure), and instructions on how to avoid losing your home. You may also receive notices from other parties involved in the foreclosure process, such as attorneys or collection agencies.

It’s important not to ignore a foreclosure notice if one appears at your door. Failure to respond can result in losing ownership of your property and ending up with damaged credit scores. It’s crucial to read through all documents carefully and seek advice from professionals who specialize in handling foreclosures.

The good news is that there are ways out of this challenging situation—you don’t have to lose everything if you act fast enough! In the next section, we’ll discuss the step by step to stopping foreclosure.

How to read a foreclosure notice

A foreclosure notice is a legal document that notifies homeowners of the initiation of the foreclosure process. This can be a scary and overwhelming experience, but it’s important to understand what the notice means and what your options are.

Firstly, pay attention to the details provided in the notice – including who is initiating the foreclosure (usually your lender or loan servicer), how much you owe, and any upcoming deadlines.

Next, take note of whether this is a judicial or non-judicial foreclosure. In a judicial foreclosure, you have more time to respond as there will be court proceedings involved. Non-judicial foreclosures may have shorter timelines for response.

The letter should also outline your rights regarding mediation or other loss mitigation options available to help avoid losing your home. You’ll want to familiarize yourself with these resources if they’re available in your state.

It’s important not to ignore a foreclosure notice as this can result in quicker action being taken against you. Instead, reach out to an attorney or HUD-approved housing counselor for guidance on next steps based on your individual situation.

Here is what to do if you receive a foreclosure notice

Stay calm and take immediate action. Here are 6 Steps to Avoiding Foreclosure if you receive a foreclosure notice:

1. Read the Notice Thoroughly: Make sure you understand the contents of the notice, including the amount owed, due date, and consequences of non-payment.

2. Contact Your Lender: Reach out to your lender as soon as possible to discuss your options for avoiding foreclosure or delaying the process.

3. Consider Hiring an Attorney: An experienced attorney can provide legal guidance and potentially negotiate with your lender on your behalf.

4. Explore Other Options: There may be alternative solutions such as loan modification or refinancing that could help avoid foreclosure.  You may qualify for several different options.  Please, reach me BEFORE you contact your lender or their attorney.  You will not want to admit anything nor deny options which could save your home.  My email is below or visit our main page:  FastFairHomeOffers.com   I want to help, even if I don’t buy your property.

5. Do Not Ignore It: Ignoring the foreclosure notice won’t make it go away – in fact, it will only make things worse.  You can be certain that the attorney your lender has hired will be thorough and take every step to reclaim the house via the foreclosure process per your state law.

6.  Each lender has to abide by a set of rules before they serve foreclosure notices.  As a property investor, I have studied in depth ways to respond to EACH letter and notice sent to you.  These responses are usually mailed back to the lender and / or their lawyer which can buy you more time and in some cases leverage to get the foreclosure stopped altogether.

Reach me immediately if you’re facing foreclosure:

Jay (at) FastFairHomeOffers.com  or start a Chat on our main page:  FastFairHomeOffers.com

Remember that there are resources available to assist homeowners facing foreclosure. By taking proactive steps now, you can increase your chances of finding a solution that works for you and avoiding further financial hardship down the road.  The people who are uninformed and afraid, usually lose their homes!

Ways to avoid foreclosure

Foreclosure can be a scary and overwhelming experience for any homeowner. However, there are ways to avoid it. The key is to take action as soon as possible.

1. Communicate with your lender: If you are having trouble making mortgage payments, the first step is to contact your lender. Explain your financial situation and see if they offer any options such as loan modification or forbearance.  Again, reach me before you discuss anything with your lender.  You have the option of allowing me to speak on your behalf and I never charge money for this at any time.   The department you / we will be dealing with is NOT “customer service”, we talk to a specialty department called:  Loss Mitigation.   They are equipped to offer you solutions to save your home from foreclosure.

2. Consider selling your home: Selling your home before foreclosure can help you avoid the negative impact on your credit score that comes with foreclosure. It may also allow you to pay off the remaining balance of your mortgage.

3. Seek assistance from government programs: There are several government programs available to assist homeowners facing foreclosure, such as the Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP) and the Hardest Hit Fund (HHF).

4. Explore refinancing options: Refinancing may provide a lower interest rate or extend the length of time it takes to pay off the mortgage, making monthly payments more manageable.

5. Reduce expenses and increase income: Finding ways to cut back on expenses or increasing sources of income can help make mortgage payments more affordable.

Remember, taking action early is crucial in avoiding foreclosure. Don’t hesitate to explore all available options and seek assistance when needed!


Receiving a foreclosure notice on your door can be a stressful and overwhelming experience. However, it’s important to remember that there are steps you can take to address the situation and avoid losing your home.

Firstly, read the notice carefully and seek legal advice if necessary. Then, communicate with your lender and explore options such as loan modification or refinancing. Additionally, consider seeking financial counseling to help manage your budget and prioritize payments.

Remember that foreclosure is not an immediate process – it typically takes several months for the process to be completed. So don’t give up hope or ignore the problem – taking action early can make all the difference in protecting your home.

Always keep in mind ways to avoid foreclosure from happening again by properly managing debt through consistent payments before they become late mortgage payments which may lead to receiving another notice of intent to foreclose letter or eventually finding yourself with a foreclosure notice on door again in future.

If you need guidance or any of my proven responses to lenders trying to take your home, reach me at the email provided or start a chat on our homepage.   God Speed my friend.  Jay (at) FastFairHomeOffers.com

How many payments behind before foreclosure?

Are you struggling to keep up with your mortgage payments? You are not alone and here’s what to know…

Perhaps you’ve fallen behind on them and are worried about foreclosure. Foreclosure can be a scary topic for any homeowner, but don’t worry – there are options available to help you prevent it from happening. In this blog post, we’ll explore how many months behind before foreclosure becomes a possibility, the foreclosure process itself, and what alternatives exist to help you stay in your home. So sit back, relax, grab yourself a coffee (or fave adult bev!), and let’s dive in.

What is foreclosure?

Foreclosure is a legal process that allows a lender to take possession of a property when the homeowner fails to make their mortgage payments. The lender will typically initiate the foreclosure process after several missed payments, or if they believe there’s a significant risk of default.

The foreclosure process varies by state, but generally begins with the lender notifying the borrower that they’re in default on their loan and may face foreclosure. After this, the lender can file a lawsuit against the borrower in court and proceed with obtaining judgment for foreclosure.

Once judgment for foreclosure has been obtained, an auction will be scheduled to sell off the home. If no buyer bids at the auction, the lender always puts in a bid for what you owe them at that time, then the lender becomes the owner that day. (read below to see What happens after foreclosure)

It’s important for homeowners facing foreclosure to understand what options are available to them – including negotiating with lenders directly about repayment plans or seeking assistance from government programs aimed at preventing foreclosures. By taking action early on in this process, you can potentially avoid losing your home altogether.

The foreclosure process

If you live anywhere in Iowa or any of the 50 states, federal law prohibits any lender from serving legal papers until you have fully missed 4 monthly payments.   So, this answers my blog title question:  How many months behind before foreclosure.

Allow me to further explain.  A monthly payment has a due-date sometime near the beginning of the month.  According to credit laws, a mortgage payment is not late until it reaches the 31st of the month in which it was due.  If you reach 4 monthly house payments behind, your lender must, before they serve legal foreclosure papers, send you what’s called a “Right to Cure”.  This is your right to make-up/catch-up all 4 payments due to avoid foreclosure from starting.

Foreclosure PRO TIP

PRO TIP & EXAMPLE:  If your normal monthly house payment is due on July 8th, that payment is not technically a “late payment” until the 31st of July or in a month which has 30 days, it’s considered a late mortgage payment on the 1st of the following month.  Now, you will incur a late mortgage payment penalty or fee after it remains unpaid, but you can buy yourself some extra time if you need it.  Need more time to pay but you do not want to enter the legal aspect of foreclosure?  You can be up to 90 days or approx. 3 months behind at all times and not face foreclosure, even though you’ll incur late fees each month until you catch-up the late house payments.   I do not encourage this, but it’s a sneaky little tool available to you if or when you need that extra time to pay. 😉

The foreclosure process is a legal proceeding initiated by the lender when the borrower defaults on their mortgage payments. The process starts with the lender sending a notice of default to the borrower, informing them that they are in breach of their loan agreement and must cure it within a certain period.

If the borrower fails to remedy the default, then the lender can file a lawsuit to foreclose on their property. The court will issue an order of sale, giving permission for the property to be sold at auction.

Before the auction takes place, however, there are several steps that both parties may take. The homeowner may attempt to negotiate with their lender for alternative payment arrangements or seek help from government programs designed to prevent foreclosure.

Receive a foreclosure notice on door?  Click that, learn what to do

Alternatively, if negotiations fail and there is no possibility of finding a solution before foreclosure is inevitable; homeowners who want more time in their homes should retain competent counsel experienced in such matters as bankruptcy filings which could delay or even stop foreclosure proceedings completely in their tracks.

Ultimately, if all else fails and there are no viable options left for saving one’s home from being foreclosed upon – then it will be sold at public auction where any proceeds generated from this sale would go towards satisfying outstanding debt obligations owed by borrowers with respect thereof.

How many months behind before foreclosure?

If you’re struggling to make mortgage payments, it’s natural to wonder how long you have before facing foreclosure. The answer is not as straightforward as a specific number of months because different states and lenders have varying foreclosure laws and processes.

In general, though, most lenders will wait until a borrower is at least three months behind on their payments before initiating the foreclosure process. However, this can vary depending on your lender’s policies and state regulations.

It’s essential to note that falling behind on mortgage payments should never be taken lightly. Even if your lender hasn’t started the foreclosure process yet, missing several payments can significantly impact your credit score and future borrowing opportunities.

It’s crucial to communicate with your lender as soon as possible if you’re experiencing financial difficulties. Many lenders offer loan modification programs or alternative payment plans that may help you avoid foreclosure altogether.

While there isn’t a set number of missed mortgage payments that will automatically trigger a foreclosure, it’s vital to address any financial hardship immediately and work with your lender to find solutions that work for both parties.

Are there alternatives to foreclosure?  Yes, several.

Facing foreclosure can be overwhelming and stressful for any homeowner. However, there are several alternatives to consider before giving up your home. Here are a few options:

1) Loan modification: This involves negotiating with your lender to modify the terms of your loan. This may include reducing the interest rate, extending the repayment period or forgiving missed payments.

2) Short sale: In this scenario, you sell your house for less than what you owe on it. The lender agrees to accept the proceeds as full payment of your mortgage debt.  I have completed dozens of short sales and can help you navigate these waters and get yours approved and the house sold on your time line.

3) Deed-in-lieu of foreclosure: You voluntarily transfer ownership of your property back to the lender instead of going through foreclosure.  Do not attempt to negotiate one of these until we speak, or you’ll give-up thousands of dollars you may be entitled to.

4) Bankruptcy: Filing for bankruptcy can provide temporary relief from foreclosure proceedings and allow homeowners time to catch up on missed payments.  A bankruptcy filing will immediately stop any and all foreclosure action and debt collection efforts by your lender and their attorney(s).  If this is your last option and you’ve exhausted all others, talk to a bankruptcy lawyer before attempting to file or handle this yourself.

5) Selling the house.  This is my specialty.  There are many ways to sell your house and stop the foreclosure and have the possibility of moving back into it someday.  Reach me so we can discuss the ways this can help your situation.  Even if you have no equity, I can buy your house, stop the foreclosure and make sure you walk away in far better shape than when we met.  Call/text: 515.809.2274

It’s important to note that these alternatives have their pros and cons and may not be suitable for everyone. Contacting a financial advisor or housing counselor can help determine which option is best suited for individual circumstances.

What happens after foreclosure?

The foreclosure process ends when your lender holds an auction scheduled by the county sheriff, then serves eviction papers upon you and/or any current occupants.  The damage to your credit is severe and can take years to return to normal, unless you know how to remove ugly items like that.  Reach me if you’re at this stage, I’m here to be as helpful as possible before, during or after foreclosure or sheriff sale.

Here is what to do next, if you’re facing foreclosure.

In summary, foreclosure is a legal process that occurs when a homeowner defaults on their mortgage payments. The length of time it takes to complete the foreclosure process can vary depending on different factors such as the state laws and the lender’s policies.

If you are facing the possibility of foreclosure, don’t panic. There are alternatives available to you such as loan modification or refinancing which may help you keep your home. It’s important to act quickly and seek out professional advice from a housing counselor or attorney who can guide you through this difficult time.

Remember that falling behind on your mortgage payments does not mean all hope is lost. By taking proactive steps and exploring your options, you may be able to avoid foreclosure altogether.

Here’s what to do next:

1) Contact your lender: If you’re struggling with making mortgage payments, reach out to your lender immediately. They may be willing to work with you by modifying your loan terms or creating a repayment plan that fits within your budget.

2) Seek professional guidance: Consider working with an experienced housing counselor or attorney who can provide expert advice on how best to proceed in avoiding foreclosure.

3) Evaluate all options: Take some time to evaluate all of the possible alternatives before deciding which one is right for you. Don’t forget about government programs like HARP (Home Affordable Refinance Program) if they apply in your case. Need government help? Visit H.A.M.P. The Home Affordable Modification Program.

PRO TIP: Do NOT hide away. Do not avoid responding to the letters from the bank, the letters from the bank’s Attorney, and espectially any legal papers handed to you (or posted or published in the big newspaper). I have not only a response to EACH letter you will receive, but also a few letters which may bring the lender to it’s knees beore they can even file legal papers. Reach me immediately so we an have a discussion on where you’re at in the process. Jay @ FastFairHomeOffers.com or Call/Text me: 515.809.2274 Take control or your lender will absolutely win and evict you. I’m on your side.

Sell House Fast Anywhere in Iowa

Selling a house can be one of the most stressful and time-consuming experiences you’ll ever have.  Most uninformed believe they have to find the right real estate agent, deal with paperwork, holding an Open House every Wednesday and Saturday, home inspections, and waiting for an offer – it can all feel overwhelming. But what if there was a way to sell your house fast without any hassle? That’s where we come in! Jay Buys Houses is here to make selling your house quick and easy. Whether you’re in Des Moines or Cedar Rapids (or anywhere in between), our proven system allows us to guarantee you an All-Cash offer in writing so that you can move on with peace of mind.  In this blog post, we’ll share 10 strategic ideas that will help you sell your house fast anywhere in Iowa. So let’s get started!

Selling Your House Fast, Just Got 5 Times Easier

Selling your house fast is no longer a daunting and stressful task. With Jay Buys Houses, you can sell your house in just a few days! We offer a hassle-free and straightforward process that will save you time and money.

Our team of experts has years of experience buying houses for cash, so we know what it takes to close deals quickly. When you work with us, you won’t have to worry about repairs or cleaning – we’ll take care of everything!

The best part? You don’t have to wait months for an offer. At Jay Buys Houses, we guarantee an all-cash offer in writing within 24 hours of seeing your property. This means that once we view your home, you could be closing the deal in as little as five days!

Don’t let the stress of selling your house get in the way of moving on with your life. Contact Jay Buys Houses today and let us help make selling your Iowa home quick and easy!

10 Strategic Moves So You Can Sell Your House Fast

Selling your house fast can be a daunting task, especially if you’re not familiar with the process. Fortunately, there are several strategies that can help speed up the selling process and get your house off the market quickly.

One effective strategy is to price your house competitively. Researching similar properties in your area and pricing yours slightly lower can attract more potential buyers. (my personal #1 strategy below…)

Another strategy is to optimize your home’s curb appeal. Make sure it looks clean, well-maintained, and inviting from the outside to entice buyers into scheduling a viewing.

A third strategy is to declutter and depersonalize your space before showing it. This allows potential buyers to envision themselves living in the space without being distracted by personal items or clutter.

Fourthly, consider working with a reputable real estate agent who has experience selling homes quickly. They can provide valuable insights on staging, pricing, and marketing techniques that will attract more qualified buyers.

Fifthly, hold an open house for interested parties to come view your property at their convenience. This allows for multiple showings within a short period of time which could lead to faster offers.

Sixthly, use high-quality photos of both exterior and interior spaces when listing online or creating print materials such as flyers or pamphlets

Seventhly: Utilise social media platforms like Instagram & Facebook create targeted ads showcasing all angles of the property

Eighthly: Conduct minor repairs/renovations ahead of time – this might include painting walls neutral colours removing dated fixtures etc

Ninth move everything out beforehand so viewers see an empty property allowing them room for imagination

Tenth have flexible viewing hours provided possible clients don’t need appointments weeks prior – try being available during evenings & weekends

Ok, time for my personal favorite of all time strategies to selling your house fast (and saving a ton of money in the process…Des Moines Agents and Realtors HATE me for this, but I don’t work for them, I’m on your side.)   List your house for sale on the MLS, the Multiple Listing Service for $100-$150 and offer to pay a “Buyer’s Agent” (ya know, the ones WITH the actual buyers) 3%.

Say What Jay?  (my Sell House Fast Iowa Top Secret play)

You read that right.  You can list your home on the MLS and it will show on Realtor.com (and Zillow), where over 90% of all buyers look, so if your house can sell quickly, this will prove it.   Ok, so HOW do we do this?   Just G00GLE “put my house on mls for $100” and select a service you feel comfortable with.  Yes, you’ll sign a 3-month ‘listing’ but you are not obligated to pay 6%, you will only pay 3% IF a Buyer’s Agent brings you a Buyer with an Offer you are happy with.  Boom-chakka-lakka.   You just saved Thousands of $.

If your house does not sell after you do that, there may be issues you can’t overcome.  I do buy houses anywhere in Iowa and can buy yours on terms or all-cash and very fast.  I can close in as little as 3 days if the situation allows.  Reach me on my cell or start a Chat on the main page here, Sell House Fast in Iowa.

Get a Guranteed All Cash Offer in Writing

Selling your house fast in Iowa can be a breeze if you follow the right strategies and work with the right people. At Jay Buys Houses, we are committed to helping homeowners sell their houses fast and stress-free. We buy houses for cash and provide guaranteed all-cash offers in writing so that you can have peace of mind knowing that the sale will go through smoothly.

Our team of experts is always ready to guide you through every step of the process, from evaluating your property to closing the deal as quickly as possible. So don’t let a slow market or other obstacles hold you back from selling your house fast. Contact us today and let’s make it happen!  Call Jay: 515.809.2274

Cash Buyers for Homes

Jay Buys Houses is Des Moines IA’s cash buyers for homes with over 20 years experience buying property all over Iowa. Cash money for properties like me, can buy properties in 7 days. Your home has to have a clear title before you get the majority of your money when we buy your home for cash.

Many people are looking to sell their homes for cash for many different reasons. Some sell for cash to avoid having to undergo costly repairs. Other people sell for cash because they want to move to a new location. Whatever the reason, there are cash home buyers looking to make your house a reality. These companies are experts in the process of buying homes quickly and at a good price.

If you are looking for cash buyers for homes, then read this article.

You will discover why you should sell your house to a cash buyer instead of trying to resell it yourself. You will learn why cash buyers are more desirable than traditional real estate investors. 

One advantage of selling your home to a cash buyer is that you don’t have to wait for an appraisal and marketing. Most cash buyers are available right away, so dealing with them is easier and faster. The only downside to a cash buyer is the need for an appraisal. You’ll have no time to spend on marketing or photoshoots. In addition, the process is much easier for them. So, why wait when you can get a fair price for your home quickly with a cash home buyer?

Who are these types of buyers usually?

Cash home buyers are often investors. They don’t need a mortgage and can close quickly. Unlike traditional buyers, they also don’t need you to make any repairs or renovations. Because they’re usually investors, they’re interested more in the overall value of a property rather than just how much it costs to repair or improve it. This makes them an attractive option for sellers who don’t want to worry about paying for repairs and renovations.

Some buyers for homes may sound too good to be true, offering fast closings, quick sales, and a cash offer that’s close to fair market value. These people never close. Helpful Tip: Watch for out-of-state phone numbers.

Although this type of seller may make some people leery, the fact is that such companies exist and are completely legitimate.

A cash property buyer is an excellent option for selling a home fast because it allows you to move on quickly and without the hassle of making repairs. Realtors don’t take a cut either, so you pocket more money from the sale.

Unlike a real estate agent, a cash buyer will pay less than what a house is worth. Moreover, a cash buyer will be willing to buy a home with tenants. They’re usually very flexible and can structure the deal in a way that is mutually beneficial for both parties.

Des Moines premier Cash Buyers for Homes, Jay Buys Houses is local.

Get cash for your property today by calling 515.809.2274.  The process can take from 2 days to 45 days depending on everything involved with your home, your situation and if or how many liens are against the house.  I will explain everything in painstaking detail on how it all works.

Beware of the out of state buyers claiming or looking like they’re local buyers.  They are not from Iowa.  These people are brand-new Seminar attendees who pass along their deals to experienced house buyers like me.  I know because they call me every single day with properties they’re trying to sell before they even close the transaction.

Don’t fall victim to their Low-Ball Offers or Out-of-State “wannabe buyers” who will just tie-up your property. 

Ask them to meet you face-to-face and if they say anything other than Yes, when/where would you like to meet, avoid them, because they do not live anywhere in Iowa, let alone, Des Moines.   If you want to talk to a buyer who lives and does business here, call Jay at  515.809.2274

Call today.

God Bless, Jay

We Buy Houses for Cash

Hi, I’m Jay and I started Jay Buys Houses in 1998 and we buy houses for cash.

When I first started, I had no idea that this business of buying and selling houses, isn’t about money. It’s not even about properties. It’s about people and relationships, period. The general idea is to treat others as you want to be treated. I don’t want some jerk calling me or mailing me a letter offering 30 cents on the dollar for my home. Because of this, I don’t do that. You could talk to any of the many hundreds of homeowners I’ve talked to and worked with.

“He said: ‘Can you buy my house and actually pay me Cash?'”

(seller from Ottumwa, IA)

I explained to the seller who asked me that, yes and no. Yes, I can get you up to $500.00 today to secure our agreement. Then, I detailed the entire process and that the largest portion of what he’d receive, is a check or wire transfer. Back to the amount of “new people” that have entered this business. No one wants to get some low-ball offer on their property. Sadly, the business I’m in is full of uneducated, disrespectful people chasing the almighty dollar. A lot of the other people who buy houses in Des Moines call me when they “land a deal”. They talk some seller into an offer, then they call me to see if I want the deal. That’s ok, it happens more than you might think. 9 times out of 10 though, the guy or gal who has called me, has paid too much.

It’s not that I fear competition, I fear the damage to the reputation of our industry. Many of the new investors just got done watching some YouTube videos. As a result, they think they know the business and end up pissing people off!

When we buy houses for cash, it eliminates the hassles of “tradition”.

What does that mean Jay?

A traditional or “conventional” transaction, someone gets a loan to buy your home. You most likely did the same thing when you bought the house you’re considering selling. Remember THAT process? The endless amount of paperwork just to get approved. Remember the process and the time it took to stay on-top of it all so it didn’t fall apart? Remember submitting even MORE documents when you were about to close on the house? The time to close can double when a loan is involved. Working with a cash buyer for properties eliminates the headaches for all involved.

Using Cash when we buy houses improves the success of the deal by 400%!

I would like to discuss the process now.

The process to buy a house in Iowa is a bit different than some other states.

Here’s why: Iowa is still an “abstract” state. Abstract? Yes, the abstract is a big stack of legal-sized documents that contain the details of the history of that property. This packet of paperwork and documents commonly gets misplaced, lost, etc.. The cost to replace the abstract can cost upwards of $1500. Once you have the abstract, it needs updated.

Why does it need “updated”?

The abstract contains not only the history of the property itself, but the owners. Think about that. So, if an owner of the house had filed divorce at anytime, that information is part of the abstract. Crazy huh?

Are you looking for yours to see what’s all in it? Lol. I did too, this is how I learned what’s all in them.

Who updates them? Title Companies. Abstract companies. Attorneys sometimes have staff that does “abstracting”. At this point, an Attorney (typically the Buyer’s counsel) will prepare a Title Opinion. What’s a “Title Opinion”? It’s the Attorney’s requirements regarding items that need to be “cleared-up” so that the Seller transfers “clear title” to the Buyer. When a Buyer pays cash, clear title means the house will be free and clear after closing. They pay the property taxes. Any 2nd mortgages get paid….you get the picture.

It’s Time to Close!

Closing day can be stressful. When we buy houses, we actually handle 99% of the work required to get the deal to that point. This is the part I really enjoy and have become quite skilled at. Back between 2008 and 2012, I was the #1 short sale negotiator in town. Doing short sales teaches you a LOT about real estate. I had to clear lots of title issues, including 2nd and 3rd mortgages. Federal tax liens, court judgments and child support liens.

For you, closing should be the most exciting day. The way we do it now is, you go into the attorney’s office whenever you have time. They will have everything ready for you. Bring yourself and your ID, unless there’s some document I need you to bring. That’s it. You will leave the closing with copies of what you sign and your check. Congratulations! Now, the problem that brings us together, is now solved.

We are actively buying houses for cash right up to the day you see this article.

20 years ago, I made personal and business VOWS. These are promises to you, the homeowner or seller. I encourage you to go read them (takes 40 seconds) at My Vows to You.

Before you leave the site, please do check out My Vows to You at that link above this line. Would you be opposed to taking 60 seconds to fill-out the form on the Home page? You can tell me about the house you want to sell and we’ll go from there. Sound fair?

I appreciate you. Take care, talk soon.

~Jay & Amy 515.809.2274

Companies That Buy Houses

Jay Buys Houses is one of the top companies that buy houses in Des Moines and anywhere in Iowa.  With over 20 years experience, there’s not a situation or circumstance that Jay hasn’t seen.  As a result, that gives us a huge leg up when there becomes an issue with closing the transaction.

Most companies or people who buy houses would just walk away and tell you Good Luck.  Not Jay, he will revel in the challenge in getting the sometimes impossible deal done.  If you get in trouble with the law, wouldn’t you want one of the best defense lawyers you can afford?  Of course.

Let’s be frank, there are lots of companies that buy houses.

With 4 to 5 really good house buyers in Des Moines or 17 to 22 really solid homebuyers across the state of Iowa, you do have options.  You can either go after the best dollar amount, or you may like one who can get it done the quickest.  In this case, it doesn’t cost you more dealing with Jay Buys Houses.  As a result of Jay’s 20+ years experience and operating the real estate investor business, margins don’t have to be what they used to be.   Example, if you were to deal with a big House Buyer Corporation with 30 employees, they need a very large amount of volume to make the same profit per investor/partner.  Not with Jay Buys Houses.  Because of this, you can get more money in your pocket.

Dealing with one of the lean companies that buy houses for cash, Jay Buys Houses can usually make multiple offers on your house.

This provides you with the options you deserve when selling your home.  The cool part about working with Jay is that he partners with over 70 of the Top Investors in IA.  This is done so there’s not a property or deal he cannot help someone with!  Many hands make light work, well, many brains make less mistakes!

One of the biggest companies in the real estate investor category, is We Buy Houses.com.

I don’t mind mentioning our competition because they are just a Middleman company.  That’s correct.  If you submit your information at WeBuyHouses.com or almost any other “National Branded” house buyer, you’ll get spammed.   Not necessarily scammed, but spammed by dozens of homebuyers New to the game and veterans.

Most of these people are wholesalers, or middlemen.  These guys just quote you the Highest Price they think they can and then email your house out to thousands of people.  Sadly, what they end up doing is tying up your home (so you can’t sell it) for 45-60 days.  Then they either Ghost you (don’t respond to you) or they say “I can’t close.” and say goodbye.  Beware!

Jay says, “It all stars with a conversation.”   So if you’re considering selling your house, no matter the condition, location or price, call or text Jay at: 515.809.2274 or visit  the website of one of the best Companies That Buy Houses today.

God bless and Thank you.

Sell My House Fast

The likely reason you’re here is you have a pressing issue and needing to sell your house fast.  My multiple-offer strategy is proven to be the solution to many of life’s problems.  In my 20+ years of buying, fixing, leasing & selling properties, the problems vary.  Here are the most common issues people experience when they call me. 

The categories consisted of the following:

  1.  Job Loss, Job Transfer, Loss of Income. 
  2.  Relationship Breakdown, Divorce, Separation.
  3.  Health Issue, Physical Inability, Death.   

Number 1 is a bit obvious, but the fact remains, financial difficulty or hardship (temporary or not) can drastically alter our lives.  In the last 12 months, Job Opportunities are the primary seller motivation for wanting to sell a house quickly.

Divorce or “Partner” Separation is number 2.

This is a distant second place to Job Loss/Transfer.  Divorce will just always happen.  It almost becomes a catalyst for an income change.  Typically one of the two people separating, will stay in the property.  That person who stays frequently faces a financial challenge.

Death, probate and illness are climbing the list of reasons home sellers’ motivation to sell.  Baby Boomers are turning 70 plus and face mounting health challenges and issues.  With age comes the natural difficulty to maintain a home.  Home upkeep becomes expensive and problematic for our aging population.  As a result, they’re forced to spend savings to pay the increasingly high costs of property preservation and home repairs.  The alternative is, they simply neglect their homes which fall into a dilapidated condition.

Continue reading “Sell My House Fast”