
Category: Eviction Process in Iowa

Iowa Landlord Tenant Law


Navigating the complexities of Iowa landlord tenant law is a crucial aspect of managing a rental property successfully in the state of Iowa. Whether you are a new landlord or an experienced property manager, understanding the legal framework that governs rental agreements, tenant rights, and your responsibilities can significantly impact your business operations.

No time to read all this?  No problem:  Download Full Guide

Equipping yourself with knowledge about these laws not only helps in running a fair and lawful rental enterprise but also ensures that you are prepared to address any issues that may arise effectively. Recognizing this need, this FREE Guide has been made available to assist landlords in deciphering the legal jargon and applying these rules to their rental properties. This comprehensive resource is invaluable for:

  1. Demystifying complex legal terms and requirements
  2. Providing actionable steps for compliance with state regulations
  3. Empowering landlords with information to prevent legal disputes

By leveraging this guide, landlords can confidently handle various aspects of their rental business from lease agreements to evictions, repairs, and maintenance while ensuring that they operate within the bounds of Iowa law.

1. Iowa Landlord Tenant Law – Both Sides

When it comes to Iowa landlord tenant law, it’s important to understand the rights and responsibilities that apply to both landlords and tenants. This legal framework establishes how landlords and tenants should interact with each other and guarantees that certain living standards are met.

1.1 Iowa Landlord Rights and Responsibilities

According to Iowa landlord tenant law, landlords have a responsibility to provide a safe and livable environment for their tenants. This includes taking care of maintenance tasks and repairs that are necessary to keep the property in good condition and ensure the comfort and safety of the tenants. Here are some key obligations that landlords have:

  • Structural Integrity: Landlords need to make sure that the basic structure of the property, such as the roofs, walls, and floors, is in good shape.
  • Waterproofing and Weather Protection: The property should be able to withstand weather-related damages and prevent water from entering and causing problems like deterioration or mold growth.
  • Plumbing Systems: Working plumbing is not just a convenience but a necessity. Landlords are responsible for maintaining all plumbing systems in proper working order.
  • Heating Systems: Having adequate heating during the colder months is crucial for making the property habitable, so it’s the landlord’s duty to provide a functioning heating system.
  • Electrical Lighting: To ensure the safety of the tenants and allow them to carry out their daily activities, there should be safe electrical wiring and sufficient lighting in the property.
  • Sanitation Facilities: Landlords should make sure that all sanitation facilities like toilets and garbage disposal areas are functioning correctly.

Landlord Responsibilities – Repairs

The idea of habitability standards means that any rental unit being offered must be suitable for living right from the moment the tenant moves in. This includes not only ongoing maintenance but also addressing any issues or deficiencies before the tenant moves in.

Aside from the maintenance responsibilities, landlords also need to comply with all the relevant health and housing codes that apply in their specific area. Failing to do so can lead to various consequences, ranging from fines to potential legal action by the tenants.

In addition to taking care of the property, Iowa landlord tenant law also protects tenants’ rights to privacy. Landlords are generally not allowed to enter the rented property without giving prior notice, except in cases of emergencies or if they follow the proper procedures.

While landlords have certain rights too — such as collecting rent, managing their property within legal boundaries, screening potential tenants, and enforcing lease terms that have been agreed upon by both parties — it’s important for them to understand that these rights come with the expectation that they will fulfill their responsibilities as well.

If there are any disputes or if landlords need to regain possession of their property for valid reasons, they must follow the established legal processes carefully. Evictions cannot happen without giving proper notice and following the appropriate judicial procedures.

With all these extensive responsibilities, it’s beneficial for landlords to stay updated about any changes in the laws that affect landlord tenant relationships in Iowa. By following these laws, landlords not only protect themselves from potential legal issues but also foster trust with their tenants — leading to a more stable rental environment.

This aspect of Iowa landlord tenant law highlights why it’s essential for landlords to be thorough when creating lease agreements. The next section will discuss some key lease terms that every Iowa landlord should include in order to protect their interests while also ensuring clarity for their tenants.

1.2 Rights and Responsibilities of Tenants in Iowa

Just as there are obligations for landlords under the Iowa Landlord Tenant Law, tenants too have specific rights and responsibilities to observe while residing in rental properties.

Tenant Rights

Respecting privacy is an essential aspect of a landlord-tenant relationship. Under the Iowa Landlord Tenant law, tenants have a fundamental right to what is termed as “quiet enjoyment” of their rented space. This means that landlords cannot enter the premises without giving at least 24 hours notice, except in emergencies. The law also stipulates that such entries should be made at reasonable times, typically during normal business hours.

While landlords hold the responsibility to maintain habitable conditions, tenants have the right to report any violation of habitability standards. This includes reporting issues such as inadequate heating or plumbing, hazardous conditions, or infestations to the landlord for immediate attention.

Tenant Responsibilities

Tenants are not exempt from responsibilities under the landlord tenant law in Iowa. They are required to:

  • Keep their living quarters clean and sanitary
  • Promptly notify landlords about any damage to the property
  • Conduct themselves (and ensure their guests do the same) in a manner that will not disturb others’ peaceful enjoyment of the premises.

Eviction Process

Evictions can be a complex process governed by specific laws and procedures. It’s crucial for tenants to understand that landlords cannot simply evict them without due cause and proper procedure under Iowa law. For instance, if a tenant fails to pay rent or violates lease terms, a landlord must first provide a written ‘Notice to Quit.’ If no resolution is reached within the specified time frame (typically three days for non-payment of rent), only then can a landlord proceed with filing an eviction lawsuit.

Understanding these key provisions can help tenants protect their rights and fulfill their responsibilities effectively under Iowa’s landlord tenant law.

2. Iowa Rental Agreements – Explained

Rental agreements are essential for landlords and tenants to establish clear expectations and protect their rights. In this section, we will delve into the important components of rental agreements that should be included to ensure clarity and safeguard both parties’ interests.

2.1 Critical Lease Terms to Include for Clarity and Protection

To create a fair and comprehensive rental agreement, make sure to address the following key elements:

Rent Details

Specify the rent amount, payment due dates, acceptable methods of payment, and any penalties for late payments.

Security Deposit

Outline the terms regarding the security deposit, including the amount required, how it will be used, when it will be returned, and under what circumstances you may withhold a portion or all of it.

Lease Duration

Clearly state whether the lease is a periodic (month-to-month) or fixed-term agreement (lasting a year or more) and provide specific start and end dates if applicable.

Tenant Responsibilities

Define the responsibilities of tenants, such as maintaining cleanliness, avoiding excessive noise, promptly reporting damages or necessary repairs, and adhering to any property-specific rules.

Maintenance and Repairs

Specify who is responsible for various maintenance tasks and repairs, both minor (e.g., lawn care) and major (e.g., plumbing issues).


Explicitly mention any restrictions on tenant conduct, such as smoking policies, pet rules, or limitations on overnight guests.

Entry to Property

Include information about how much advance notice you will give tenants before entering their rental unit for inspections or repairs, ensuring compliance with Iowa’s legal requirements.

By incorporating these critical lease terms into your rental agreements, you can establish a solid foundation for positive landlord-tenant relationships. This clarity benefits both parties by setting clear expectations and providing a reference point in case disagreements arise.

However, in addition to these important terms, it’s essential to handle security deposits correctly to avoid potential conflicts. Mishandling of security deposits can quickly strain relationships, so understanding the relevant laws is vital.

2.2 Understanding the Legalities With Security Deposits and Potential Deductions

Security deposits are a critical aspect of rental agreements in Iowa. It’s not just about collecting money from your tenant; it’s also about understanding how to handle these deposits in compliance with Iowa law. In this section, we’ll discuss the guidelines for handling security deposits, including allowable deductions and timelines for return.

What You Need to Know About Security Deposits in Iowa

In Iowa, landlords can charge up to two months’ rent as a security deposit. This provides financial protection against potential damages to the property or unpaid rent.

Once the tenant moves out, landlords have 30 days to return the security deposit. If there are any deductions, you must provide an itemized list detailing what those deductions were for.

Allowable Deductions from Security Deposits

As a landlord, you can use the security deposit to cover:

  1. Unpaid rent
  2. Damages beyond normal wear and tear
  3. Cleaning costs if the property is not left in a clean condition

Remember that “normal wear and tear” is a part of living in a property and cannot be charged to the tenant. This might include minor marks on walls or slight wear on carpets.

Handling Disputes Over Security Deposit Deductions

Sometimes, tenants may dispute deductions from their security deposit. It’s crucial that you keep accurate records of all transactions and communications related to the lease term and document all property conditions before and after tenancy.

If disputes cannot be resolved amicurably, it may result in legal action. Therefore, always ensure your deductions are fair, justified, and within the limits of what Iowa law allows.

Keeping Security Deposits Separate

Lastly, be aware that Iowa law requires landlords to keep security deposits in a separate, interest-bearing account. The tenant is entitled to receive interest if the deposit is held for more than one year.

Understanding the legalities around security deposits and potential deductions can help you navigate common challenges and disputes related to lease terms. Keep these points in mind to ensure you’re running your rental business according to the laws of Iowa.

A Smart Clause You Can Add to Your Rental Agreements, Plus The Best Way to Increase Rents, Handling Lease Renewals, and Terminations

It’s important to know that rental agreements can change based on different factors. One of those factors is adjusting the rent. In this section, we’ll discuss how to inform tenants about rent changes and make sure you’re following the law in Iowa.

3.1 How to Tell Tenants About Rent Changes, and Stay Legal

Under Iowa law, landlords can raise the rent once the initial lease period ends. However, there are specific rules for giving notice:

  • If it’s a weekly lease, you must give at least ten days’ notice before raising the rent.
  • If it’s a month-to-month lease or longer, you must give a written notice at least 30 days in advance.

Here’s an example of how you could write your notice:

Dear [Tenant’s Name],

Please be aware that starting on [Date], the monthly rent for your unit at [Property Address] will go up by $[Amount] per month. This change follows what we agreed upon in our lease.

Thank you for understanding.


[Your Name]

Remember to explain why you’re increasing the rent. It could be because property taxes or maintenance costs have gone up. Sharing these reasons honestly can help keep a good relationship with your tenant.

You might be thinking: Can I raise the rent during a fixed-term lease? The answer is no. You can’t raise the rent during a fixed-term lease unless there’s a clause in the lease agreement allowing it.

That brings us back to “A Smart Clause You Can Add to Your Rental Agreements”. You can put a clause in your rental agreement that addresses abandonement. An abandonment clause allows a landlord to reclaim possession should the renter move prior to lease expiration.  This clause can say how much notice you’ll give and how often you can raise the rent. It gives you some flexibility to adjust the rent while still giving your tenant predictability.

Here’s the exact clause you can copy/paste into your rental agreement, right now:

Remedies for Absence, Nonuse and Abandonment: Tenant is required to give Landlord written or electronic notice of any anticipated extended absence. During an absence by Tenant in excess of 14 days, Landlord may enter the dwelling unit at any times reasonably necessary. If Tenant abandons the dwelling unit, landlord shall make reasonable efforts to rent it at a fair rental. If Landlord rents the dwelling unit for a term beginning prior to the exipration of this agreement, this agreement is then deemed terminated. The rental agreement is deemed to be terminated by the landlord as any notice of abandonment shall constitute a full surrender of the dwelling unit.

In our next sections, we’ll talk about handling lease renewals and terminations. We’ll go over common mistakes to avoid when renewing leases, making sure you follow the right steps, and dealing with problems that might come up.

3.2 Common Pitfalls to Avoid When Renewing a Lease

Lease renewals can be deceptively complex, and landlords in Iowa must tread carefully to avoid common mistakes that could lead to strained relations with tenants or legal complications. Adhering to regulations governing rent changes and the process of renewing or terminating a lease is crucial for maintaining a healthy landlord-tenant relationship.

Pay Close Attention to Timelines

Iowa law mandates that landlords provide tenants with a clear notice before any changes in the lease terms, including rent increases, take effect. This notice period allows tenants ample time to decide whether they wish to continue the tenancy under the new terms.

  • For yearly leases, landlords are required to give at least 30 days’ notice before the end of the current lease period if they intend not to renew or if they are proposing changes to the lease terms.
  • For month-to-month tenancies, a 30-day written notice prior to the rent increase or lease change is necessary.

Document Everything

Ensure all agreements and notices related to lease renewals are documented in writing. Verbal agreements or informal arrangements can lead to misunderstandings and are not easily enforced.

  • Have tenants sign an acknowledgment of any rent increase or changes in lease terms.
  • Keep copies of all correspondence and documentation sent to tenants regarding lease renewals.

Consistency is Key

Fair housing laws require landlords to treat all tenants equally. Consistency in how you handle lease renewals and rent increases is essential.

  • Apply the same procedures and rules for all tenants.
  • Maintain records demonstrating this consistency in case your actions are ever questioned.

Understand Rent Control Regulations

While Iowa does not have state-wide rent control policies, some local jurisdictions may have specific rules pertaining to rent increases and lease renewals. Landlords must be aware of and comply with any local ordinances that may apply.

Be Clear About Terms

Clearly outline any new terms or conditions being introduced at the time of renewal. Ambiguities can cause disputes down the line.

  • Detail any adjustments in rent, changes in utility responsibilities, or alterations in other lease conditions.
  • Provide tenants with a clean copy of the updated lease agreement for their records.

Avoid Automatic Renewal Traps

Some leases contain automatic renewal clauses which can lock both parties into a new lease term unless proper notice is given. If you do not wish an automatic renewal clause to take effect:

  • Notify your tenant within the proper timeframe if you do not intend to continue with automatic renewal.
  • Be mindful of state laws regarding automatic renewal notices, as failure to comply could inadvertently extend a tenancy.

By keeping these considerations in mind during lease renewals, you protect yourself legally while fostering trust with your tenants. Properly managed lease renewals contribute positively towards long-term tenancies and minimize potential conflicts.

4. Resolving Landlord-Tenant Disputes: Mediation, Court, and Other Opportunities

As a landlord in Iowa, you’ll inevitably face disputes with your tenants from time to time. Whether it’s a disagreement over rent payments, property damage, or lease terms, these conflicts can be stressful and time-consuming. But don’t panic! There are several effective methods for dispute resolution that can help you navigate these rough waters smoothly.

4.1 How Mediation Could Be Your Best Friend (when all else fails)

Mediation is an effective way of resolving landlord-tenant disputes without resorting to court action. It involves a neutral third party (the mediator) who facilitates communication between the disputing parties and assists them in reaching a mutually satisfactory agreement.

  • Promotes Open Communication: Mediation encourages open discussion about the issues at hand. Both landlords and tenants get the chance to express their viewpoints and understand each other’s concerns better.
  • Preserves Relationships: By resolving disputes amicably through mediation, you can maintain a healthier landlord-tenant relationship. It lessens the hostility that often results from court cases.
  • Flexible and Informal: Unlike court proceedings, mediation is less formal and more flexible. You can schedule sessions at convenient times and locations.
  • Cost-Effective: Mediation is typically cheaper than going to court. It saves you both the financial burden and the stress of a legal battle.

When choosing a mediator, consider professionals who have experience in landlord-tenant law or have worked with similar cases before. They’ll be more familiar with the complexities involved and thus, more capable of guiding you through the process effectively.

Some non-profit organizations offer free or low-cost mediation services; do some research to find out what’s available in your area.

Remember though that mediation isn’t always suitable for every dispute. In severe situations, where an agreement seems unlikely or the tenant is uncooperative, you may need to resort to legal action.

4.2 Court Time! Everything You Need When Filing an Eviction

If mediation fails, or a serious breach of the lease occurs, you may need to take the dispute to small claims court. In Iowa, this process involves a few key steps:

  1. Provide Notice: Before filing for eviction, you must give your tenant written notice of the violation and give them an opportunity to correct it.
  2. File Eviction Papers: If the tenant fails to correct the violation within the stipulated period, you can then file an eviction lawsuit in your county’s small claims court.
  3. Prepare for Court: Gather all necessary documents such as lease agreements, payment records, photographs of property damage, or any other evidence related to your case.
  4. Attend the Hearing: Present your case before a judge at the scheduled court date.

It’s crucial that during these proceedings, you adhere strictly to Iowa’s landlord-tenant law to avoid jeopardizing your case.

The prospect of a legal battle can be daunting. However, proper preparation and adherence to legal proceedings can guide you through this challenging process.

Navigating landlord-tenant disputes is never easy. Whether through mediation or small claims court, understanding your options for dispute resolution is crucial in managing conflicts effectively. By staying informed and proactive, you’ll be better equipped to handle any disputes that arise and maintain a harmonious landlord-tenant relationship.

4.2 Court Time! Everything You Need When Filing an Eviction

When faced with a situation where mediation has not resolved a dispute, and eviction seems to be the only recourse, understanding the small claims court process in Iowa is essential. This step-by-step guide will walk you through initiating legal action for eviction, emphasizing the importance of proper documentation throughout the process.

Step 1: Ensure Legal Grounds for Eviction

Before filing for eviction, confirm that you have a legitimate reason as defined by Iowa law, such as non-payment of rent or violation of lease terms.

Step 2: Provide Proper Notice

Serve the tenant with a written notice to vacate, giving them the opportunity to remedy the issue if applicable. The notice period varies depending on the reason for eviction.

Step 3: Filing an Eviction Lawsuit

If the tenant does not comply with the notice, file an eviction lawsuit, known as a forcible entry and detainer action, in your local small claims court.

  • Filing Fee: Be prepared to pay a filing fee; the exact amount can vary by county (approx. $100).
  • Legal Forms: Complete all required forms accurately. In Iowa, this typically includes a Notice to Quit and an Original Notice and Petition for Forcible Entry and Detainer.

Step 4: Attend the Hearing

Once you file your petition, the court will schedule a hearing. Attendance is mandatory; missing it could result in case dismissal.

  • Documentation: Bring all relevant documentation, including:
  • The lease agreement
  • Records of payment or non-payment
  • Correspondence with the tenant
  • Photographs or evidence of property damage or violations

PRO TIP:  File all of your documents/exhibits just prior to your Hearing.  Some counties don’t hold in-person “Hearings”, especially in case of a no-show tenant.

Remedies for Absence, Nonuse and Abandonment: Tenant is required to give Landlord written or electronic notice of any anticipated extended absence. During an absence by Tenant in excess of 14 days, Landlord may enter the dwelling unit at any times reasonably necessary. If Tenant abandons the dwelling unit, landlord shall make reasonable efforts to rent it at a fair rental. If Landlord rents the dwelling unit for a term beginning prior to the exipration of this agreement, this agreement is then deemed terminated. The rental agreement is deemed to be terminated by the landlord as any notice of abandonment shall constitute a full surrender of the dwelling unit.

Step 5: Court Judgement

After hearing both sides, the judge will make a ruling. If in your favor, you will receive an order of eviction that you can enforce with the sheriff’s department if necessary.

Step 6: Post-Judgment Actions

Should you win the case, follow up on collecting any unpaid rent or damages as ordered by the court. If applicable, set up a payment plan with the tenant.

Throughout this process, remember that adherence to legal procedures is critical. Any misstep can cause delays or impact your ability to evict successfully. In cases where you are unsure about handling an eviction on your own—especially when substantial money or complex legal issues are involved—consider enlisting professional legal assistance.

Before moving towards initiating legal action in small claims court, it’s important to exhaust alternative dispute resolution methods such as mediation. These methods often save time and maintain relationships between landlords and tenants. However, should those efforts fail and court intervention becomes necessary, being well-prepared and knowledgeable about small claims court procedures can help ensure that you approach evictions legally and effectively.

5. Valuable Resources for Landlords and Tenants in Iowa

Navigating the intricacies of landlord-tenant law requires access to accurate and comprehensive information. In Iowa, a range of resources is available to support landlords and tenants in understanding their rights and obligations. Below is a curated list of top resources, including contact information from government agencies and non-profit organizations:

Iowa Legal Aid

Provides legal assistance to low-income residents in housing-related issues.

Iowa Attorney General’s Office

Offers guidance on consumer rights, which includes tenant protection laws.

Iowa Finance Authority

Furnishes information on rental programs and affordable housing options.

HUD in Iowa

  • Website: HUD.gov/Iowa
  • Contact Information: Find local offices via their website.

Provides resources related to fair housing and complaints procedures.

Iowa State Bar Association

Offers legal resources including pamphlets on landlord and tenant law.

Each resource serves as a critical tool for ensuring you are well-informed about your legal rights and responsibilities in the landlord-tenant relationship. They offer a wealth of knowledge that can help prevent disputes and foster a cooperative living environment. Whether you’re drafting a lease agreement or seeking guidance on eviction proceedings, these organizations can provide valuable assistance.

Another Opportunity/Option

The journey through Iowa’s Landlord Tenant Law can appear intricate, but it’s a trip worth taking. Knowledge is power, and by becoming well-versed in these laws, you can navigate rental relationships with confidence and ease.

Are you a landlord currently grappling with tenant issues? You might feel overwhelmed, unsure of the correct legal steps to take. Understand this: You are not alone. There are professionals equipped to provide guidance during these trying times. They can help ensure a fair and legal resolution to your situation.

Not-so shameless plug of my business:  Jay Buys Houses, offering the world’s clearest step-by-step Offer(s) to landlords and sellers of all kinds.  When all facts are on the table, laid-out, there are fewer surprises in the closing process.  Start a conversation and let me know a bit about the property you may be facing tenant troubles with.  I’ll make you as fast and fair an Offer I possibly can.

Start here: Sell My House

Don’t hesitate to reach out for help. Print this page as a PDF and save to your computer for easy reference.  Just right-click, print, change print settings to “Print as PDF”.

Harness the value offered by these experts in handling tenant issues while ensuring compliance with Iowa’s Landlord Tenant Law.

Be informed, seek the right support when needed.  This isn’t just about protecting your business—it’s about fostering successful rental relationships based on mutual understanding and respect.

From understanding lease agreements to resolving disputes, every aspect of the landlord-tenant relationship becomes more manageable when you understand your rights, obligations, and available resources. So why wait? Empower yourself today.

Eviction Process in Iowa – A Look at Both Sides

Prepare to learn insights and the eviction process from both sides of the law.  We will approch this from the eyes of the tenant, then the landlord. We breakdown in detail, the eviction process in Iowa, plus learn a Huge Secret to avoiding it all.

Tenants Facing Eviction

There are many people who don’t know what to do when their landlord threatens to evict them. Landlord-tenant law protects tenants’ rights, as well as landlords’.  Like otcan be complicated, like other legal topics. However, most of the basic rules and steps are pretty straightforward. This article examines Iowa eviction law.

Self-help evictions = BAD

evictio process in iowa, learn how to evict non paying renters.  Learn more:  https://www.fastfairhomeoffers.com/eviction-process-in-iowaThe court procedure to remove a tenant from their rental is called a “forcible entry and detainer,” but it’s more commonly known as an eviction. The landlord must take a series of very specific steps before this can happen. They have to provide sufficient proof that the space belongs to them. During the court hearing, the landlord and tenant both get to provide their perspective on the issue. The the judge evaluates both. If the right notice isn’t supplied, then they risk having the case dismissed. This may allow the tenants to stay because of this mistake. If the Landlord wins, then a sheriff’s deputy or someone hired by them will remove tenant’s possessions. Courtesy notices that tell tenants when they are coming may be provided by some sheriffs, but not all.

Eviction Process in Iowa:  Grounds to evict

The majority of evictions are based on one of three “grounds” (allegations).

Ground for Eviction, there are 3 common grounds for a landlord to evict.  1. the tenant broke or violated the lease.  2.  The tenant or a guest has caused a situation of clear and present danger. 3.  The lease has expired and the renter has not moved out or is "holding over".  Landlords must provide notice before filing eviction casesBefore filing an eviction case, landlords must nearly always give a tenant written notice. <yoastmark class=

Landlords must provide notice before filing eviction cases

Before filing an eviction case, landlords must nearly always give a tenant written notice. The court may throw out the case at the hearing if a landlord files an eviction without giving adequate notice to the tenant. If that happens, the landlord may give a different notice, and try again.

Each case requires a different notice depending on the reasons for the eviction. There are six common types of notices:

  • Nonpayment of rent requires a 3-day notice
  • “Clear and present danger” notice of three days
  • Violations of the lease must be cured within 7 days
  • No right to cure 7-day notice of lease termination
  • Termination notice of 30 days
  • Three-day notice of resignation
  • Rent Nonpayment Notice of 3 Days

Landlords can give written notice to tenants if they fail to pay rent. The notice must say that the lease will end if rent is not paid within 3 days, so that the tenant has a “right to cure” or fix the lease violation. The landlord cannot evict the tenant if the tenant pays rent on time within 3 days. The landlord must give a new notice of nonpayment each time rent is not paid. The court may dismiss the landlord’s case if the landlord does not give the right notice.

Danger of Clear and Present Danger 3-Day Notice

A “clear and present danger” is anything that puts other tenants, the landlord, or its employees at risk. The danger must be on or within 1,000 feet of the landlord’s property.

  1. The act of physically assaulting or threatening another person
  2. Possessing or using firearms illegally
  3. Possession of illegal drugs

A landlord can end the lease with a 3-day notice if he believes the tenant has done this or something similar. After that, the landlord can file an eviction case.

Tenants may be able to keep the person who caused the problem away from the rental property if the problem was not caused by them. There are specific rules to follow to use this “cure” option.

Get a protection order against domestic abuse

Report the person to law enforcement for prosecution, or

Send a letter to the person telling them to stay away or the tenant will report them for trespassing. Make sure the tenant gives a copy of the trespass letter to the police.

Prior to the landlord starting the eviction lawsuit, the tenant must show proof that one of these three things have been done.

In the event of an emergency, a landlord cannot remove a tenant or threaten some harm.

Notice of 7-Day Cure for Other Lease Violations

If a landlord believes a tenant has violated the terms of their lease, they typically must provide them with a 7-day notice detailing the issue. An example of this would be if there is a rule in the lease prohibiting pets and the landlord thinks that the tenants have a dog. The landlord must inform them in writing that, unless they remove said pet within seven days, their tenancy can be ended through an eviction case (following the serving of a 3-day ‘notice to quit’).

A 7-Day Notice of Lease Termination after a 7-Day Cure Notice has been given

In the case of a tenant violating their lease, such as having a pet when the agreement states otherwise, they will be given a 7-day cure notice. After the tenant complies with this and eliminates the violation, the lease remains intact. However, if they commit the same violation within 6 months after, the landlord can issue a 7-day termination notice as there are no more chances to fix it. If it occurs more than 6 months later, another cure notice must be issued.

30-Day Notice of Lease Termination

Many tenants sign a lease for a set amount of time, such as one year. Others have what is known as a “month-to-month” tenancy. This type of arrangement has no definite end date, and either the landlord or the tenant has the option to terminate it without citing any reason.

What if the Tenant is breaking the law?

However, if the termination is due to an unlawful cause, such as the tenant’s race or that of their visitors, this cannot be given as justification. It is necessary for both parties to provide written notice at least 30 days prior to when rent is next due in order to end a month-to-month agreement; thus, if rent is due on the first day of each month, termination can only take place then. Therefore, should a landlord give notice on September 10 with October 10 being the end date of the tenancy – this would not be possible and the applicable ending date would become November 1.

3-Day Notice to Pay or Quit

In order to get a tenant to leave, the landlord needs to end the tenancy. The landlord will most likely use one of the notices discussed in this article. In some cases, the landlord has to give another notice after the tenancy has ended. In this notice, the tenant is instructed to leave (“quit”) within 3 days rather than ending the tenancy. This notice must be given in the following situations:

After a 7-day notice to cure other lease violations, if the tenant does not remedy the problem

In the event that the problem recurs within 6 months of the prior 7-day notice to cure, the lease will be terminated after a 7-day notice to cure

Following a 30-day notice of termination

When the three days have passed, the landlord cannot file an eviction lawsuit. If the landlord files before the three days have passed, the court should dismiss the case.

Tenant Notices

The landlord must provide a tenant with three days’ notice of nonpayment of rent, three days’ notice of clear and present danger, seven days to cure lease violations, seven days’ notice to terminate the lease with no right of cure, thirty days’ notice to terminate the lease, and three days’ notice to quit in the following ways:

Process servers provide personal service per local eviction laws;

If the tenant signs an acknowledgment of service, the landlord will hand deliver;

If the tenant signs a dated receipt, certified mail can be used;

Posting the notice on the tenant’s main entrance and sending it via certified mail and regular mail.

According to the law, it takes four days for the landlord to receive a notice of nonpayment of rent when it is sent by mail. As a result, the tenant has seven days to pay the rent if the landlord mails and posts the notice. The law assumes, for example, that a notice is mailed on a Monday, but that it doesn’t reach the tenant until Friday. The tenant has until the end of the day on Monday to pay the rent if it was mailed on a Monday.

Procedural Steps in Eviction Cases

Tenants must be made aware of any eviction hearing minimum 3 days before it occurs. If the tenant is not notified three complete days before the hearing, the court should delay it. Generally, notification of the eviction case should be done through either ‘personal service’ by a process server or handed to them by the landlord in an acknowledgement of service.  A minimum two attempts should be made using one of these two methods. When these efforts fail to yield results, then notice can be posted on the tenant’s main entrance along with sending it via both normal and certified mail.

The Eviction Hearing

You should attend the court hearing, even if you have a good defense. If you don’t, you could be evicted.

The court hearing provides an opportunity for both the landlord and tenant to voice their side of the story. It is not a given that the landlord will win simply because they served correct notice; if they are claiming rent wasn’t paid, the tenant can attempt to prove otherwise.

What about evidence to evict?

Additionally, where allegations of loud parties are concerned, the landlord must demonstrate that these were indeed disruptive to fellow tenants and persisted after receiving a 7 day warning. Relevant evidence can be adduced by either side and witnesses called upon to testify. Evictions cases tend to take place in small claims court and it’s common for both plaintiff and defendant to deal with them without legal representation.

The best way to defend against an eviction depends on the facts of your case. It is always better to hire a lawyer to help defend your case.

If a landlord wins the eviction case, the tenant can be instructed to vacate promptly. Generally there’s a small window of time for them to move out, which varies based off what the judge orders as well as how backed up the sheriff is. The sheriff will be responsible for supervising the tenant’s departure and their belongings. Should they choose to ignore it, their possessions will likely end up outdoors on the sidewalk. Some sheriffs may offer a friendliness gesture by giving tenants advanced warning that they’ll be removing their items. Although this is not compulsory, it’s generally done as a courtesy.

What Happens if the Tenant Wins?

After giving the right notice(s), landlords may file a new eviction case, which starts the process over. The landlord may be allowed to evict the tenant next time, but their claims may be dismissed a second time. It all depends on the circumstances.

Eviction Process in Iowa – a Landlord’s Guide

The Eviction Process in Iowa: Step by Step

Not sure where to start?   Check this free MindMap to find out:   Iowa Eviction FlowChart

iowa eviction process flowchart.  Are you an Iowa landlord looking to evict a tenant, use this free flowchart to know exactly what to do.  Plus, learn my Secret strategy to remove even the most stubborn, uncooperative, non-paying renters.   Jay Buys Houses.  https://www.fastfairhomeoffers.com

If you’re not a FlowChart kind of person, you can read the details below.

You serve the tenant with Notice. (several different types depending upon the situation)

You file complaint with the County Court in which the property is situated (if unresolved). You must serve Court summons & complaint.

The County Court schedules a hearing.

You must attend hearing so the Court can issue judgment against tenant.

Then, a Writ of possession is issued.

The landlord takes possession of the property.

In Iowa, evictions can take between 15 days and up to 60 (if tenant has valid challenge or if a tenant appeals, the process could take longer than 2-3 weeks.)

Click to talk with an Iowa eviction attorney.

Here are the Grounds for an Eviction in Iowa

Legal grounds to evict in Iowa include not paying rent on time, staying after lease expiration, violating lease terms, and committing illegal activity. However, landlords must give proper notice before ending a tenancy.

Nonpayment of Rent 3 Days Yes End of Lease / No Lease 30 Days No Lease Violation  7 Days Yes Repeat Lease Violation 7 Days No Illegal Activity 3 Days No Eviction for Nonpayment of Rent

A landlord can evict a tenant for not paying rent on time in Iowa by giving the tenant a three-day notice to quit, which gives the tenant the option of paying the balance due or moving out.

The landlord can file an eviction lawsuit if the tenant does not move out by the end of the notice period.

Violation of Lease or Responsibilities: Eviction

Under Iowa landlord-tenant law, a landlord may evict a tenant who violates the terms of their lease or does not uphold their legal responsibilities. The landlord must first give the tenant seven days’ notice to comply or leave, giving the tenant a chance to fix the problem or vacate.

The following are examples of lease violations:

A failure to maintain a clean and sanitary rental unit. Refusing to let the landlord into the rental unit. Using fixtures or appliances in a way that is unreasonable or unsafe. Causing minor property damage. Disturbing the peace and enjoyment of others. Landlords may file an eviction lawsuit if the tenant does not fix the issue or leave by the end of the notice period.

The landlord can serve a 7-day notice to vacate if the tenant repeats the same or a similar lease violation within six months.

Repeated lease violations result in eviction

If a tenant repeats the same or a similar lease violation within a 6-month period, the landlord can evict them by giving them a 7-day notice.

During the 7-day period, the tenant has no chance to fix the problem.

A landlord can file an eviction lawsuit if the tenant fails to move out by the end of the notice period.

Illegal Evictions – The Self-Help Eviction (don’t do it)

The use of a firearm or other deadly weapon. Possession of controlled substances. A clear and present danger to the health or safety of others. An eviction lawsuit can be filed by the landlord if the tenant does not move out by the end of the notice period.

Any of the following is illegal in Iowa. If found liable, the landlord could be forced to pay the tenant’s damages and reasonable attorney’s fees.  Just don’t do it.

Evictions in retaliation

  • A landlord cannot evict a tenant for exercising a legally protected right. These rights include:
  • Making a complaint to the landlord or a governmental agency about building or housing code violations that affect the tenant’s health and safety. Forming a tenant’s union or similar organization.

Tenant is served with a notice by the landlord

Iowa landlords can begin the eviction process by delivering a written notice to the tenant. The notice can be delivered as follows:

Providing the notice of eviction to the tenant in person as well as sending it by regular and certified mail with a return receipt fulfills the necessary requirements. Additionally, the notice should be posted on a conspicuous place, such as the entry door. It is important for landlords to retain the original signed notice and declaration of service, as they can be used as proof in court if needed.

3-Day Notice to Quit

If a tenant is late paying rent (full or partial), the landlord can serve a 3-Day Notice to Quit. This eviction notice gives the tenant three calendar days to pay the balance due.

30-Day Notice to Vacate

A landlord can terminate the tenancy of a tenant with no lease or a month-to-month lease in Iowa by serving them with a 30-Day Notice to Vacate. The tenant has 30 calendar days to move out.

The amount of notice varies, however, for tenants who do not pay monthly:

Frequency of rent payment Notice Amount Week-to-Week 10 Days Month-to-Month 30 Days Quarter-to-Quarter 30 Days Year-to-Year 30 Days 7-Day Notice to Comply or Vacate

The landlord in Iowa can evict a tenant if they violate their lease or do not comply with their legal obligations by serving them a 7-Day Notice to Comply or Vacate.

In the event that the tenant repeats the same or a similar lease violation within a 6-month period, the landlord has the right to terminate the tenancy by serving a 7-day notice to vacate.

7-Day Notice to Vacate

If a tenant repeats a lease violation within six months, the landlord can serve a 7-Day Notice to Vacate, giving them seven calendar days to vacate.

3-Day Notice of Lease Termination

The landlord may serve a 3-Day Notice of Termination to a tenant who commits illegal activity or demonstrates a clear and present danger to other tenants. This eviction notice gives the tenant three calendar days to vacate.

Click here to speak with an Iowa eviction lawyer

The second step is to file a lawsuit with the court.

An Iowa landlord must file a complaint with the appropriate court in order to proceed with the eviction process. There are some counties in Iowa that provide information on how evictions work specifically in that county. In Iowa, this costs around $95 in filing fees.

A summons and complaint are served on the tenant by the court.

Fill them out for FREE here.

An individual must serve the summons and complaint on the tenant

Those who are not part of the eviction for at least three days

The following methods can be used prior to the eviction hearing:

The summons and complaint should be posted in a conspicuous place on the rental unit and mailed via first class and certified mail three days before the hearing.

A hearing is held and a judgment is issued by the court

Eight days must pass before the eviction hearing

Unless the landlord requests a later hearing date, the hearing date shall not exceed 15 days after the complaint is filed with the court.

The tenant does not have to file a written response to the eviction complaint in order to attend the hearing; however, if the tenant fails to show up, the judge will issue a default judgment in favor of the landlord.

The eviction process will proceed if the judge rules in favor of the landlord, either by default judgment or at an eviction hearing.

The eviction process will continue unless tenants appeal within 20 days of the date the judgment is issued.

An eviction hearing must be held within 8-15 days of the complaint being filed.

The Writ of Execution is issued in Step 5

Before law enforcement officials return to the property to remove the tenant forcibly, the writ of execution is the tenant’s final notice to leave the rental unit.

At the hearing, if the landlord wins, a writ of execution will be issued, stating that the tenant must vacate the premises within three days

The tenant has three days from the date the judgment was issued in favor of the landlord to move out.

Timeline for the Iowa eviction process

Evictions in Iowa can take between 1 day (Cash for Keys (HUGE secret) and  up to 60 days (if Tenant has valid challenge in court).  Lots of variables twix the two.

In uncontested eviction cases, the following parts of the Iowa eviction process are outside the landlord’s control.

Approximate Time Initial Notice Period 3-30 Calendar Days Court Issuing Summons 3 Business Days Court Serving Summons 3 Business Days Tenant Response Period Not Required Court Ruling 8-15 Business Days Court Serving Writ of Possession Immediately Final Notice Period 3 Days Questions? Click here to chat with an Iowa eviction attorney Flowchart of Iowa Eviction Process

Fees for evictions in Iowa

Depending on the amount of the eviction claim, the total cost of an eviction in Iowa varies greatly. The average cost of an eviction in a Small Claims District Court case (for claims under $6,500) is $155. The average cost of a district court case (for claims over $6,500) is $255.

Fees in the Small Claims District Initial Court Filing $95+ $195 + Petition Service $30+ $30+ Writ of Execution Service $30 $30 Notice of Appeal (Optional) $195 $150 Document Copies (Optional) $0.50/ea $0.50/ea Read more

Additional information about the eviction process in Iowa can be found in Iowa Code 526A, 648, and the Iowa Rules of Civil Procedure, Rules 1.302 and 1.305.

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