How We Buy Houses... Want to know the EXACT Plan Jay has for your house?
I'll reveal The PLAN during our chat. You OK with that?
Can you tell me a bit about your situation?
(click the LIVE Chat button in the bottom-right corner)

Jay No Titles - No Labels - Just People Helping People

Me, My daughter Chloe & my love Amy CEO / CO-FOUNDER

My Boyz! Henry🐶 & Oscar🐶 CO-Chief Snack Beggers

Jackie Griffith (R.I.P. Mom💖) My Angel in Heaven
About Jay and The PLAN for your house:
The best way for me to tell you more about me, is to just chat.
I’m an open book.
Click the LIVE Chat button in the bottom-right corner.
I promise you’ll leave the Chat more educated, informed and armed with The PLAN (which None of my competition does, lol)
I’m excited for ya 😉